In the greater interest of the consumers, Sui Northern Gas has clarified that the consumers are being misled through messages on the social media and WhatsApp.
An SNGPL spokesperson said that the advertisement issued by the Company shows estimated gas bills under various slabs only. These estimated amounts are wrongly attributed as slab rate by some people on social media. Spokesperson categorically denied any revision in gas slab tariff and made it clear that the existing OGRA tariff is still in practice.
According to the current OGRA tariff, rate for the first slab is Rs. 121 which is applied on gas consumption of up to 0.5 Hm3, rate for the second slab is Rs. 273 which is applied on gas consumption of up to 1 Hm3, rate for the third slab is Rs. 553 which is applied on gas consumption of up to 2 Hm3, rate for the fourth slab is Rs. 738 which is applied on gas consumption of up to 3 Hm3, rate for the fifth slab is Rs. 1,106 which is applied on gas consumption of up to 4 Hm3 and rate for the sixth slab is Rs. 1,460 which is applied on gas consumption of more than 4 Hm3.
SNGPL Spokesperson further clarified that in order to provide relief to the consumers, Government of Pakistan has also provide benefit of the relevant preceding slab. The objective of SNGPL advertisement was to provide an estimate of the gas bills so that they can avoid high gas bill by using gas economically. SNGPL Spokesperson requested the consumers to discourage elements involved in spreading misleading information on social media and contact Sui Northern Gas for any kind of information.