Describing the promulgation of NAB Amendment Ordinance – which is aimed at protecting bureaucracy and businessmen from the unnecessary pressures – as a ‘tough decision’, Prime Minister Imran Khan Thursday sought the support of civil servants in the realization of 2020 as the year of growth and development.
“As we have to lift the country in the year 2020, I need your support in this respect,” he said, while addressing a gathering of senior civil servants and bureaucrats here at the Prime Minister House. The prime minister said that his government never asked bureaucracy to take any illegal decision, rather insulated it as against the past. He said the improvement of governance system is inevitable to bring in stability. Wealth creation will be possible only if the industries are allowed to flourish, he said.
Imran Khan said the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) is meant to take action against the public office holders for misusing the office while the business community has nothing to do with the public offices. He said those who are criticizing the NAB Amendment Ordinance should first understand NAB’s mandate. He said fearing NAB, the bureaucracy was frightened to take decisions as the procedures involved risks and they had been facing unnecessary pressure from the Bureau. He said the bureaucracy as well as the business community needed protection from NAB’s pressure. He said the business community does not fall under NAB as the tax cases are related to the Federal Board of Revenue.
The prime minister said in order to achieve the target of 50 million houses, the government expects cooperation from the bureaucracy. The present government’s ambitious housing programme will boost the 40 allied industries, create job opportunities and stimulate economic activity in the country, he added.
He said 2019 was a tough year for the government during which it focused on stabilization of economy through various macroeconomic measures which led to strengthening of rupee, restoration of investors’ confidence and improvement in the stock market – all vital for running the wheels of economy.
The prime minister also spoke of the bad economic situation his government inherited and said the country’s debt increased from Rs 6 trillion to Rs 30 trillion from 2008 to 2018. Half of the country’s revenue is used for debt-servicing alone, he added.
Imran Khan described nine million Pakistani expatriates as asset for the country and pointed out that many among them who were investors and small and medium entrepreneurs, did not invest in their homeland due to the impediments of poor governance system and opted for other destinations. He said after stabilizing economy in 2019, the government will now focus on growth and development in 2020, and also beat inflation and unemployment by boosting industrial and agricultural development.